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They are perhaps Britain's most famous and glamorous couple and their story may sound like a fairy tale. But David Beckham and Victoria Adams claim that for them it was love at first sight. And the fairy tale did not ent there. They say they are couple perfectly in love with each other, and since the birth of their children, a completely happy family. So, how did they find each other and have their lives always been so perfect?
David Robert Joseph Beckham was bornn in East London on May 2, 1975 and was a Manchester United fan from a very early age. The admiration worked both ways and, aged 16, he signed for them as a trainee. The skinny teenager went from cleaning the first team's boots, to making his league debut in 1995, just a month before his twentieth birthday. Then, on the first day of the 1995-6 English football season he made everyone sit up and take notice when he scored an increadible 60-metre goal against London team, Wimbledom. And so a footballing phenemenon began.
The woman known as 'Posh Spice' burst onto the music scene in mid-1996 with Britain's biggest girl group, the Spice Girls.
Born Victoria Caroline Adams, she suffered constant bullying and acne problems as a teenager. She hated life at school and felt that on one liked her. But, despite that, she always wanted to be famous and ended up auditioning for a brand-new pop group, the Spice Girls. With her natural talent and beauty and much to her delight, Victoria was picked. The goup went on to be Britain's biggest international singing stars since The Beatles.

Răspuns :

Ei sunt poate cel mai faimos si mai stralucitor cuplu si povestea lor poate suna ca un basm. Dar D.B si V. A. declara ca pentru ei a fost dragoste la prima vedere. Si povestea lor nu se termina aici.Ei spun ca sunt cuplul perfect indragostit unul de celalalt si de la nasterea copiilor o familie complet fericita. Asa, cum s-au gasit si au facut ca viata sa le fie intotdeauna asa de perfecta.
D.B s-a nascut in Londra pe 2 mai 1975 si a fost fan M.U. inca de la varsta foarte frageda.Admiratia a fost reciproca astfel ca la varsta de 16 ani a semnat pentru ca ei sa-l antreneze.Adolescentul cel slabut a trecut de la a curata bocancii echipei la debutul in liga in 1995,chiar cu o luna inainte de a implini 20 ani.Atunci,in prima zi a sezonului 1995 el a facut pe toti sa se minuneze de faptul ca a dat un gol de la 60 de metri intr-un meci contra echpei din Londra,Wimbledon.Atunci a inceput fenomenul fotbalistic.
Femeia cunoscuta ca Posh Spice a explodat pe scena muzica in mijlocul anului 1996 cu cea mai faimoasa trupa de fete britanica.Nascuta ca Victoria Caroline Adams ea a suferit de acnee si probleme de intimidare inca din adolescenta.Ea ura viata de la scoala si simtea ca nimeni nu o place.In ciuda acestui fapt ea intotdeauna si-a dorit sa fie faimoasa.